Riesenotter Studie publiziert

Riesenotter Studie publiziert

Ilka Tramm führte im Juni 2013 eine Vorstudie zu den Riesenottern des Amazonas Projektes durch. Nachfolgend findet Ihr Ihre Publikation für die IUCN Otter-Spezialisten Gruppe. Am nächsten Wochenende (19. & 20.7.) präsentiert u.a. auch sie ihre Ergebnisse beim...
Building of the Research Station

Building of the Research Station

By now, close to the village Buen Jesus the construction of the research station has begun. The architectural style of the station will be adapted of the local building style. Moreover, the building will carry a photovoltaic panel. The research station will offer...
Foundation of Chances for Nature Peru

Foundation of Chances for Nature Peru

In June 2013, the very first daughter association of Chances for Nature was founded in Peru. This step was necessary to apply for the concession. Chairman is Manolo Martin, who supervises the establishment of the concession. Manolo Martin has worked for the Spanish...