Species conservation & research

We collect data on populations and distribution of key species in the Menabe Antimena Conservation Area in order to optimally plan conservation measures and measure success.


About the projects

Why research?

Recording the distribution and density of populations is essential for planning nature conservation and species protection measures. At the same time, we can only capture the success of our actions by measuring the effects on populations. Surveys and population monitoring are therefore important components of our work. Furthermore, we still know very little about the biology of many species threatened with extinction. However, basic knowledge of a species’ biology is often critical to saving the species from extinction in the long term.

Citizen science approaches can also be used to involve the local population in research activities. This generates alternative income for local communities and changes their view of biodiversity in a positive way.

Support us

Support species conservation & research

For example, with 150 € you finance a camera trap. Mit 150 € finanzieren Sie zum Beispiel eine Kamerafalle.


Acoustic monitoring

With the help of automated listening stations, we support the recording of the occurrence of species as well as their population densities. This method, which is relatively new to Madagascar, is initially being tested on forked-striped lemurs, sportive lemurs and narrow-striped mongooses.

Shy forest inhabitants

Camera traps

Many animals are shy and therefore very difficult to observe and count. Camera traps are very suitable to study also these very shy and inconspicuous species, like the Madagascar giant rat or the fossa.

Conflict potential

People & Wildlife

The fossa, Madagascar’s largest predator, is increasingly coming into conflict with the local population. Shrinking natural habitat often forces fossa to hunt domesticated poultry in villages. We monitor conflicts, advise those involved and develop solutions to avoid conflicts.

Bedrohte Vogelarten

Mangroves as a refuge

A bird survey in the mangroves and coastal areas in 2019 counted 71 bird species. We discovered one of the most significant occurrences of the Madagascar teal, a large population of the highly endangered Madagascar plover and Madagascar heron.

Environmental education

What sticks?

Effects of environmental education? As part of our Little Rangers program, we investigate the effect of our environmental education activities on the children and young people in the Menabe region.

Evaluate condition


In a 2019 study, we examined the condition of mangroves in Menabe. The study applies a rapid assessment tool for mangrove degradation, originally developed for mangroves in Myanmar, to the mangroves of Madagascar. Our results demonstrate the broad applicability of the method in Indian Ocean mangroves.

Partners & Supporters

The projects are funded by:

Affenberg Salem

La Forêt de Singes

La Montagne de Singes

Mandai Nature

Tierpark Berlin

Trentham Monkey Forest

Marlow Bird Park

Zoo Ausgburg

Zoo Berlin

Duisburg Zoo/Fossa Fond

The projects are implemented together with:


DPZ Madagascar

University of Göttingen

University of Antananarivo

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